Banamallira Mahak has always emphasized on the publication of original writings. So you can type your articles accurately and send them via email or through the web form available for submitting articles on the website.
After an article reaches us, the editorial team evaluates it and approves the article for publication along with relevant images, then the article is published in the specified section. This process takes about a week or more to complete.
Articles are not published without the full name and address of the author. Or there is no provision for returning an unpublished manuscript. If an article is not published within one month at most, then the concerned author/writer should hold that the article has not been selected by the editorial board.
The articles published in Banamallira Mahak web magazine portal are read every day by thousands of readers from our country and abroad. "Author of the Month" (Author of the Month) is selected based on the number of readers of each month and those authors are given a certificate by the team of Banamallira Mahak. You can download the certificate directly from this website. A minimum of three and a maximum of thirty authors are awarded monthly under the "Author of the Month" programme. To get a place on this list, the author has to share his/her articles widely through social media. So that the readership of his writing increases.
You can record your self-written stories, poems, essays and literary discussions for Banamallira Mahak "Audio Book" and send the audio file to us via WhatsApp or email.
Any updates related to your author profile, such as profile photo, address, phone number, identification details and social network profile URL. etc. If you want to change or update, you have to send the request via email. Our email address is available on the "Contact" page available on this web portal.
If there is any dispute regarding any article, then the respective author is responsible. Under no circumstances, the team of Banamalli is not responsible for this issue.