Another great thing about autumn is the way it marks a new beginning. At least for children and youth who are enjoying summer break, the beginning of autumn marks for them the start of a whole new year. There is excitement over what the new year of classes, teachers, and friends will bring. And parents love the beginning of autumn because it means their kids are once again spending their days safely in school. Parents know that autumn means their children are learning and growing again. Autumn marks the chance to begin again and to enjoy all of the pleasures of the season.
The season of autumn holds many special and unique things to do. Do you remember going to a pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkin? Did your family or friends have a carving party to see who could create the most unique or the scariest faces in the pumpkins? Did you bake the seeds of the pumpkins and enjoy them later? Or perhaps you remember going for long walks through the woods and collecting the autumn leaves that had perfectly fallen from the trees. There is something special about seeing how each leaf turns into a unique expression of autumn colors taking over the summer hues. May be you have the special memory of going on an autumn hayride each year or perhaps you remember enjoying caramel apples, powdered donuts and apple cider with family and friends.
For many people thinking of autumn means celebrating the great holiday of Thanks giving. People look forward to spending a day recounting all of the blessings in their lives. They enjoy time surrounded by family and friends and together they reflect upon the year behind them and they dream and hope about the new year ahead. Celebrating Thanksgiving is one of the best reasons to anticipate the coming of autumn. Whether you have never really loved autumn or whether it is your favorite of the seasons, think about a new reason to appreciate the unique time of year that is autumn.